As a marketer, you know that forms are a necessary evil - important for capturing user data but often lead to high abandonment rates.
In fact, up to 80% of users never complete long, complicated online forms according to Baymard Institute.
That's why automating form filling should be a top priority.
If your in sales or marketing, this guide on using AI for client onboarding is a must read.
You'll learn exactly how to personalize AI for clients.
For developers, AI and machine learning can help.
Open-source libraries like Tesseract OCR and OpenCV powered by Python let you implement AI form fillers on your site for free.
In this post, we'll look at the benefits of auto-filling forms with AI, review top open-source tools on GitHub, and walk through code examples to get started.
There are many advantages to taking an AI-first approach to filling out forms on your site:
For SaaS companies, implementing
AI to automate data collection provides a better user experience, more sales, lower costs, and actionable insights.
A variety of open-source libraries available on GitHub can be used to apply AI and machine learning to filling out web forms automatically.
Here are some top options:
One of the most popular OCR libraries, Tesseract was originally developed by Hewlett Packard in the 1980s and open sourced by Google in 2005. It uses deep learning to recognize text in images and documents like scanned PDFs.
This allows it to "read" text-based CAPTCHA codes and convert them into inputtable text.
Tesseract supports over 100 languages out of the box. It can handle distorted or blurred text well. For form filling, it is great for bypassing CAPTCHAs and recognizing any required text-based fields.
OpenCV (Open Computer Vision Library) was created by Intel and released under an open-source BSD license. It provides pre-trained machine learning models for common computer vision tasks like object classification, face detection, image segmentation and more.
For filling out forms, OpenCV can identify and understand fields and sections in documents like tax forms, applications, and receipts. It can also detect checkboxes and whether they are checked or unchecked. This allows AI systems to logically fill out the right yes/no, male/female, agree/disagree type fields.
Roboflow provides a full computer vision and deep learning platform for classifying, recognizing, and processing images.
Under the hood it uses OpenCV and TensorFlow models. The Roboflow API makes it easy to upload images, generate labeled datasets, and train computer vision models.
For forms, Roboflow can build custom models to analyze form structure, extract fields and text, and recognize checkboxes or selections. It outputs metadata like field locations and boundaries for integration into automation scripts.
Python has an extensive ecosystem of AI and automation focused libraries that can be used for form filling:
Together these Python libraries cover the full pipeline - document processing, OCR, field detection, data extraction, post-processing and analysis. They allow developers to build custom form parsing solutions.
To see how these pieces fit together, let's walk through some Python code for automatically filling out forms using AI and open-source libraries.
FYI - Our CRO agency can help your automation efforts. CompleteCRO does
conversion rate optimization for SaaS, including some automation setup.
The first example uses optical character recognition to detect text fields in an image and automatically input values:
# Import Libraries
import pytesseract
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
# Load the image and convert to grayscale
image = cv2.imread('form.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Apply thresholding to isolate text
thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
# Detect form contours and extract ROI
contours = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
roi = contours[0]
# OCR to extract text from ROI using pytesseract
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(roi)
# Type or paste extracted text into form fields
This uses OpenCV for preprocessing and contour detection to isolate each text field. PyTesseract then extracts the text which can be automatically typed or pasted into the matching text fields on the web form.
For recognizing checkboxes and radio buttons, we can use template matching:
# Import Libraries
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Load form image and template checkbox image
form = cv2.imread('form.jpg')
template = cv2.imread('checkbox.jpg')
# Convert images to grayscale
form_gray = cv2.cvtColor(form, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
template_gray = cv2.cvtColor(template, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Define matching method (TM_CCORR_NORMED recommended)
method = cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED
# Apply template matching to locate checkboxes
result = cv2.matchTemplate(form_gray,template_gray,method)
min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)
# Check if similarity score passes threshold
if max_val >= 0.8:
# Checkbox detected! Can perform click event to check/uncheck
By comparing small template image patches, we can identify and interact with checkboxes and other GUI elements on a form.
While open source libraries allow you to build custom AI form filling solutions, if you are writing content for client's, you'll want a workflow you won't have to maintain.
Performify is like an AI google forms for marketers.
The AI analyzes form submissions and uses your data for to fine-tune AI content.
generates highly relevant responses tailored to your business needs:
Implementing AI to automatically fill out web forms provides a long list of conversion, productivity, and performance benefits for SaaS businesses.
Machine learning powered form automation is fast, accurate, and creates a smoother experience for capturing customer data.
This guide provided a comprehensive look at using open-source Python libraries like OpenCV, Tesseract, and Roboflow for building AI-driven solutions.
With pre-trained computer vision and OCR models available today, it's possible to get automated form filling up and running quickly without reinventing the wheel.
The code examples demonstrate how these different tools can be combined to recognize text fields, detect checkboxes, extract data, and programmatically fill out both simple and complex web forms.
Adopting AI for repetitive data entry tasks allows your team to focus on more high-value and strategic initiatives.
And your customers will appreciate the frictionless, personalized web experiences powered by machine learning.
To discuss options for implementing AI-powered web form fillers on your site, contact our team of machine learning experts today. We're here to help you capture more conversions and deliver next-level customer experiences.
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